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Donate now

Help serve by supporting the work of the Issachar Conference

Donations for this year's conference will go to the Keep it Real Ministries in Chalmette, Louisiana and  the Southwestern Christian College’s Scholarship Fund in Terrell Texas.


**Disclaimer: Donations are not required for registration, but are greatly appreciated.


Thank you for your donation!


Greetings Generous Donor,


As I developed the concept of the Stonecrest Issachar Conference, I recognized that some of the
proceeds from this groundbreaking event must benefit worthy causes. The two initiatives that
immediately came to mind were: The Southwestern Christian College Scholarship Fund in
Terrell, Texas, and the Keep It Real (KIR) ministries in New Orleans, Louisiana. KIR's mission
is to provide life skills through education, employment, counseling, mentoring, support groups,
transitional housing, and financial assistance, in order to holistically address the physical,
emotional and spiritual needs of men, women, and youth that have been previously incarcerated.
This ministry is under the oversight of David Green and the Fort Church of Christ in New
Orleans. Due to your generous donation, those groups will soon be awarded financial assistance
from the conference. We were able to give over $5,000.00 from proceeds from previous years of the Issachar
Conference because of contributions like yours. I deeply appreciate your willingness to support
Stonecrest Issachar Conference in this endeavor. Please bookmark the Stonecrest Issachar
website at to remain updated about the virtual conference
scheduled for May 5th through May 9, 2024. Additionally, like and subscribe to the Stonecrest
Issachar Conference YouTube page as you will receive notifications of lectures, workshops, and
interviews pertaining to the upcoming conference. I look forward to your participation.



Into the long future,
Dr. Richard L. Barclay
Issachar Conference-Host and Founder
Stonecrest Church of Christ-Senior Minister

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