Download __HOT__ Full Movie Escape From Pleasure Planet In Italian
They were now riding up the long lime-tree avenue which leads to theSea-Gate of Ferrara; soon they entered Ferrara itself, that city of warmred brick, of broad eaves, of laughter, and, as it were, a fairy-tale,bowered in rustling green. The streets ran wide between garden walls andthe massy fronts of great square houses; they were full of a trafficwhich seemed that of a prosperous people bent upon pleasure. Happyladies rode by with hawks or leashed dogs, or crowns of flowers.Cavaliers, in white and yellow, ribboned, slashed, curled, andfeathered, went in and out of the throng to keep an assignation, or tobreak one. The priests joked with the women, the very urchins coaxed forkisses. Every street corner had its lovers' tryst, never a garden walkwithout its loitering pair, never a lady came out of a church door butthere stood a devout adorer to beg a touch of holy water from herfinger-tip.
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